Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, May 17, 2013

Well, getting up early failed miserably

I woke up at five, then at six or so, and finally got up at 7:20. A friend called a few minutes later, and among other things we talked about these two boxes that seem to be the sticking point for me to finish, because although I've thrown away and recycled a lot, I'm holding on emotionally to the things inside. Then I got ready for work and got there a bit early. I worked my butt off today on various things to do with referrals and data entry sheets, got the library and the book cart in the clinic ready for Hospital Day (our big open house on Sunday), did some interlibrary loaning, and then was left with not much to do unless I started the cataloguing project of books I've recently received with just a couple of hours left in the week. But my boss (I have two; one was off) let me leave early when I asked since I'd gotten everything I needed to do this week finished. So, I'm home, the windows are up, the fan is on, so is the radio and I'm going to start attacking what's left. So it worked out after all that I didn't lose those hours this morning, or rather did, but gained a couple in the afternoon. Okay, I'm going to start working.

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