Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You'd think

that after so many years I'd stop having fears of being left behind or abandoned. I'm not sure if it stems from the time my mom fell asleep and forgot to pick me up at school when I was 6 or the multiple times my ex-husband, thinking it was terribly funny, kept pretending to drive away whenever I tried to get in the car.

So we went on the big grocery run, and I was helping put away groceries, and all I could feel was this great anxiety that Brenda would leave me there and drive away, even though that was absurd. Of course she didn't, she dropped me off at home, and helped me get my groceries, which had rolled about a bit, out of the truck.

I'm just now starting to feel calm, coming down from what was not quite a panic attack, but at least a whole lot of baseless anxiety.

I really must make a more concerted effort not to act psycho. Really.

On that note, I think I'm going to listen to some music, calm down and relax, and then maybe do that laundry.

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