Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today's visit to the doctor

included the longest and most thorough laboratory report I've ever had, colour-coded according to how good or bad the findings were. They even tested for genetic predisposition for heart disease (fortunately I came out well in that regard) and sensitivity/metabolism for Plavix (which I'm not on, but apparently I should only ever be on small doses if that). It was quite impressive, and both the accompanying literature and my doctor explained things well. We increased my insulin, and I have two new meds to go on, based on the results of the tests. I'm hoping that will help. I see him again in a month, then in July to have the tests done again, and August to go over them. A lot of the report was actually good, but there are a couple of areas related to my diabetes/metabolic syndrome that have to be addressed.

I've been very good about recording my own glucose testing, taking my insulin as I'm supposed to, and I've been eating better as well. I hope to add exercise in there, too, now that my feet are doing better, and the next 10 days are going to be relatively warm (highs from 46-55 degrees), with some days clear of rain. Wish me luck!

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