Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm cold. I'm almost never cold.

The temperature outside was already cold, but is falling, and I was having trouble staying warm even in my bed, which is unusual for me. The thermostat was on 66 degrees. I've moved it up to 68 to see if I feel better, and I put on a comfy nightshirt and house socks (they're knit socks with vinyl bottoms to them), and I've brought out the Snuggie, a sure sign that all is not right with the ambient temperature. I shouldn't complain--it's been so warm and I've had lower heating bills as a result, but for that reason I'm not used to it.

I am not doing laundry, or taking things out, in this. It's supposed to get down to eleven degrees tonight. Tomorrow it's supposed to be a bit warmer. We'll try then.

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