Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, October 05, 2003

I don't get it

In simpler times, it may not have been easier to tell the good guys from the bad guys--that's always been a matter of perspective, but some things were a given. Like, if one country crossed into another's territory and opened fire, you would be pretty sure to have a war on your hands. Not a police action. Not defensive strategy in action. Not a cry for condemnation. War. That was one of the reasons nations tended not to take such extreme action. Hell, half my life was spent under the cloud of mutual assured destruction (MAD) where we just hoped there wouldn't be an 'oops' to end the world.

Now it seems that all you have to do to justify such an action is to label your target terrorism. Oh, we're not killing people. We're killing terrorism. Diplomacy? Why try that when we can just go for the jugular? And the thing is, this mindset's infectious. And it's wrong, whether it's the US, or Israel, or anyone else doing it.

I guess maybe I misunderstood the purpose of the United Nations. I thought that the UN was supposed to be a means to prevent such conflicts, or at least keep them at a minimum. Those in power seem to think it's either something to be manipulated, to be bought, or to police things when things get out of control. But it doesn't work unless we all play by the agreed upon rules. I'm left feeling like the UN doesn't have the teeth it needs to keep the big bullies in line but at the same time is having to stretch to put out so many fires that it can't be truly effective, especially if those same big players pull up their marbles and go play another game altogether.

I don't have the answers. I don't understand all the facets of problems out there. Maybe I'm too much of a pacifist, although I do believe in taking action when it's just. I just don't like how that gets redefined for the sake of politics, and I don't have much faith in the ones doing the defining.

I participate in my democracy. I vote. But I didn't vote the current government into office. Okay, I'm not sure anyone really voted the current Administration into office--it still feels like there was a shell game involved in that one. But even my candidates for Senator lost. The last big victory I had as a constituent was in my vote for mayor, and although it was a better choice than the alternative, I'm not entirely happy with the result. Not so unhappy that I'd support a recall like in California--I think that's just plain stupid given the length of time since the last election and the fact that all politicians are taking heat for an oeconomy not necessarily of their making. But, I have to admit, I lack confidence in our brave new world, our new millennium. I can only hope it'll get better. I pray it doesn't get worse.

History tells me these things run in cycles. My own experience tells me that, too...I've been through other recessions, other runs of terrorism, other politicians who didn't inspire confidence. But I wish we could hit one of those upsides. And soon. Before too many conflagrations get started. Before our hopes for peace get dashed in favour of blood feuds and paranoia. Before some of that mutual assured destruction comes back to haunt us, since the weapons, after all, are still out there. And maybe, just maybe, there'll be some truth to the idea of 'united nations'...not all the same, not one world government, but at least one world cooperation, where the various kids are playing nicely in the sandbox, towards common goals that can really propel us forward, rather than just throwing stuff at each other and bawling for our mommies. Because you know what? The mommies are gone. There's no one to pick up out of the sandbox, and the only way to go forward is to start behaving like civilised people.

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