- 'Boys of Summer' by the Ataris (not quite as good as the Don Henley version, although the 'Black Flag ' instead of 'Deadhead' sticker's an interesting update)
- 'Unwell' by Matchbox 20 (I love this song--it's so me when I thought I was going bonkers)
- 'How You Remind Me' by Nickelback
- 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera
- 'She's so High' by Tal Bachman
- 'Run Around' by Blues Traveler
--Insert musical digression--
[I found myself recently in an argument over whether modern rock is less dynamic or structurally complex than oldies (I disagreed with such a sweeping statement I think you really have to compare individual bands/even songs.) Silly me, I like both of them, but I guess it sounds just like noise to others, and there's no way to convince them otherwise. I think when it comes down to it, music isn't a matter of critical acclaim but one of personal preference...everyone has some song that speaks to his or her heart, and it could be truly horrid in someone else's opinion. Mind you, this came up over the Daredevil soundtrack and the songs that were offered by comparison were more along what I think of as bubblegum oldies of the 50s and early 60s. Ah, well, to each his own. I just know that I like some songs and genres better than others, but I'm pretty diverse in my listening habits, whether classical, folk/New Age, oldies, 80s, alternative, indie, modern rock, whatever. Lyrics are as important to me as music, and I like layers of musical texture, haunting harmonies, or unusual rhythms with clear vocals best. I don't care for monotony except, say, in Gregorian chant. That's why I'm a Gen Xer who never really got Nirvana. And of course, both my musical taste and moods seem to vary in a symbiotic relationship with one another.]
--end musical digression--
- Things I really should do...
- Laundry
- Call my mom
Game- Clean my bathroom; body washes with pieces of loofah in it are nice on the skin, bad on the bathtub
- Set up a vet run
- Finish the latest job applications
- Watch Phone Booth...I keep meaning to
- Work out
That seems doable, right?
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