
Friday, October 03, 2003


From a techie performance improvement standpoint, this makes sense. From a privacy standpoint, this does seem rather 'Big Brother-ish'. I'm not sure how I feel about gut reaction would be to err on the side of privacy. I'll be interested in how it plays out.

Library Wants to Put Chips in Books

Of course, this technology is pretty controversial in any setting. I mean, we put the things in our pets, but although on the surface it seems like a good idea to counteract, say, child abduction, that opens up a whole can of worms. Maybe I'm just scarred by a game experience where this came into play, or maybe I'm a tad paranoid (okay, maybe both), but there are some valid, not-quite-wacky concerns over this. I'm all for technology, but the simple fact of the matter is that technology is pervasive and frankly mystifying for most people. Even those knowledgeable on one subject, say Internet security, can't necessisarily tell you how to fix a car these days. No one knows how everything works anymore, and that's a little scarey, don't you think?

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