Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Happy Blog Birthday--it's this many!

I started writing 2 years ago today. It was right after the September 11th attacks and I felt like I was going crazy and that I needed an outlet for my feelings. I've tried to keep that but add news and other aspects of a big part of my life, being a librarian, because the thing is, I think I'm fairly typical as a librarian, but I'm not stereotypical. So, I thought it might be good to put a little bit of a real librarian out into cyberspace. If you take this site along with all the others out there, you'll see we're a varied lot, but we tend to have a few passions in common, like aiding access to information and education, helping people learn to evaluate information and thereby gain knowledge, fighting censorship, enabling literacy, that sort of thing. And a lot of us have not so predictable passions in common, too; every librarian I've known has been a collector of some sort, whether it be comic books, shoes, model trains, stamps, Harleys, or weird trivia. The truly eccentric catalogue them.

Anyway, thanks for reading these ravings. I hope to continue my mission of mixing news, humour, diary entries, etc. I suppose it's sort of a verbal webcam into my life. I'm not sure why anyone who doesn't know me would want to read it, but I'm glad you do. :)

And today is also my friend Tracy's birthday. Happy Birthday, Tracita! Hopefully she'll take time out from wedding plans, house setup, and Mars mission robotics and go have some fun. :)

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