
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Weekend plans

I just got home a little while ago after a good day at work, running some errands (including paying my rent and talking to the leasing agent about getting in to a more accessible apartment). I should have the day to myself tomorrow. We did the grocery shopping tonight and my friends are meeting their family for lunch, so I'm on my own then. My plans are:
  1. Stop by the Bluegrass Farmers' Market for fresh veggies and/or fruit
  2. Go to the Eagle Creek branch of the Lexington Public Library (across the street from the market) to pick up a book on hold and one other that's available
  3. Go to the Tates Creek branch of the Lexington Public Library to pick up another book
  4. Head over to Howard Curry Shoes to see if they can do anything with my swelling, super-wide feet in terms of sandals
  5. Have lunch somewhere I don't normally go [decided not to and be fiscally responsible at home]
  6. Read!
  7. Pay a bill (must remember that it's due)
  8. Finish the game notes, even though we're not playing Sunday (I'm over half-way finished!)
  9. Watch something fun
  10. Listen to music
  11. Take out the trash and recyclables
  12. Wash dishes
  13. Play with the Atari
  14. Water the plants, inside and out
  15. Put water in the fish tanks
  16. Generally do what I can to get the place ready for my upcoming surgery, although at least things are where they're supposed to be
Then, on Sunday:
  1. Go over to my friends' house and help them clean
  2. Do laundry
  3. Take A over to my place and watch a Bette Davis movie called 'The Old Maid'
  4. Generally visit with friends and have some fun
  5. Watch the last episode of season 1 of 'Salem', as well as the second episode of season 2 of 'The Witches of East End'

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