Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, August 03, 2013

I have spent a lot of the last 48 hours in doctor's appointments

Yesterday I went to the endocrinologist. She wants me to lose 30 lbs. I weigh more than I ever have, at 305 lbs, but some of that is water weight due to insulin's tendency to kind of swell you up, she said. She put me on two medications, one of which I had never heard of. It's only been on the market since March of 2013. Both tend to help with losing weight. One makes you more sensitive to insulin, and the other helps clear the glucose out of your blood and kidneys. Ideally, as I lose weight, I should be able to dial back on the insulin. Wish me luck.

Today I was at our family doctor with a friend for three and a half hours. The plan had been to get to work about noon and work a half day. I got there at 2:15. But I managed to do everything I needed to in a small amount of time, even though it was a bit hectic for awhile. Then I went to the pharmacy and got my medication (they had ordered them yesterday, as they weren't in their inventory) and over to my friends' house for a bit. We were both tired from the day at the doctor. So I went home a little before dark. Then I texted with another friend for awhile, and got up on the bed with the idea of lying there for only half an hour or so and then getting up and watching something on DVD or Netflix. Turns out I went straight to sleep, and woke up just now, at about 2:30 am. I finally gave my libation (it's a bit late) and ate a little cheese.

Tomorrow there's getting my rent, the farmer's market, the grocery, and a run to Lowe's, plus watching the last two episodes of season 2 of 'H2O: Just Add Water'. Also there are game notes to do. And I've asked to do laundry at my friends' house. It will be easier on my back than doing it here. And I need to finish assignment three for that PubMed class. So tomorrow will be fairly busy. This whole week has been extremely busy; I've gotten a lot accomplished, at least.

Okay, I think I'm going to go to back to bed. Have a good night.

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