Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

One more hour or less

I told myself I would go to bed at ten, so that would make thirteen hours I'll be up, which isn't too bad. I decided to do all of my physical therapy exercises, not just the ones with the band, and now my thigh and buttock feel like they're on fire. I broke down and took some acetaminophen. I think I need to increase this to once in the morning and once in the evening, at least. (Yes, Brandon, you told me that.) Got to get those muscles in shape for walking eventually.

So when 10 pm rolls by, I think I will definitely be ready for bed. It's been a good day. I've emailed two people, spoken with three friends on the phone, texted with one of those, and I've seen one of my friends in person. I've gone to an appointment, gotten groceries, listened to music, blogged, watched videos, and played on the Internet. And I've stayed awake! (Although getting a little caffeine in my system did help. But I don't feel too awake, either.)

So now I am down to thirty minutes. I'll start shutting things down. Hope you had a good day.

PS Made it to midnight, actually, although I've been in bed, so we won't count the unwinding time.  :-)

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