Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, November 11, 2012

When did I become such an extrovert?

I was an incredibly introverted child, teen, and young adult, interacting with books and my own imagination far more than I did with other people (or reality).

When I first took the Meyers-Briggs psychology test in my early twenties, I was a very polarised INFP (introvert, intuition, feeling, perception). As I aged, I came closer to the middle between introvert and extrovert. That's apparently normal. According to theory, we tend to go towards the opposite side as we go through life.

One of the defining differences between extroverts and introverts is that the former need external stimulation primarily, whereas the latter are content with themselves and their internal lives.

So here I am, over twenty years since I first took the test, and I can't seem to keep myself occupied. I can't seem to concentrate on reading. The tablet's charged, I could play games. Even that holds my interest in spurts. Maybe it's an attention issue, really. I don't know. The one thing that works is listening to music. I don't get it. Anyone have any insight?

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