Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, November 12, 2012

Last night

I slept rather well. For about four hours, in dream I was on a cruise with Betty White and some other ladies. Mind you, I was an accidental stowaway, especially as I picked it up in Man O' War Place shopping centre, which is quite landlocked, but they were great and were offering me a bunk and amenities even though the captain wanted to set me off in the water somewhere. Also, it's a little odd, because I've never really wanted to take a cruise (neither wanting to learn if I get seasick or get Norwalk virus or some such), but this was fun, mainly because I was in Betty White's company.

Then I woke up for a little while and went into a rather frustrating dream of trying to save a stupid woman's husband and friend from where the CIA had put them, and she kept dropping things into a creek like her cell phone, and I was fishing them out, bum leg and all, without getting anything important wet (by that I mean the leg, rather than the cell phone). That lasted a couple of hours. I was miraculously just walking with one leg, though.

Today the beautiful sunny and warm weather have given over to clouds and rain. I'm hoping it won't be this wet when I go out tomorrow for my appointment, as it has been working best just going up the steps on hands and knees. I'm not sure that will work. But I think it's supposed to be colder, so maybe it'll be snow flurries instead of actually wet rain.

Guess I'll check the news and see if they have a cause for the explosion in Indianapolis or if anything else of note has happened. I'm thinking the explosion was a gas line, but that's just conjecture.

Speaking of disasters, I was having trouble getting comfortable in bed last night, so I took my clothes off; I normally don't sleep in them. I'd parked the wheelchair in the kitchen rather than the hall should I need to make it out quickly. Then the disaster thoughts came to mind. What if there were a fire? Normally I'd just throw something on and go. But with my mobility limited and with it hard to get dressed quickly, I was sitting there admittedly over-worrying. So I pulled out a nightshirt that could be quickly put on and left it there next to me on the bed. Then I started thinking, I'm running the fan so much, could it start a fire, that sort of thing. I finally fell asleep (maybe that's why water was in both dreams, to counteract my fears). There is a fine line between worry and preparedness, but I have to admit, I'm moving a couple of things around just in case. I don't want to die just because I can't move quickly.

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