
Monday, November 05, 2012

I got a lovely series of cards

from my cousin's family wishing me well today. The kids included homemade cards, and their mom included pictures of them. They look so grown up. I've only seen the kids a couple of times over the years. It was very sweet of them to send me well wishes.

I worked on my physical therapy earlier, and I was so tired afterwards that I laid down and had a nap, then got up a little while later, after a friend called. I ate a dinner of Jell-O (the last), kidney beans, and an apple. It occurs to me that I'm still tired, and that an hour's nap won't do it. On the other hand, I don't want to just sleep away and not be able to tonight again. But I can barely keep my eyes open. So it's back to the bedroom for now.

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