Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Up again

I didn't realise how tired I was. I went back to bed and just went out, dreaming, but I don't remember the dreams, just that they were vivid. I got up, got some ice water and microwaved a hickory-smoked veggie riblet from Morning Star Farms and ate some bread, and I'm stuffed. Then A called to check up on me.

The mail man just went by and is no doubt going to work his way back to here, so it's good I'm up. I'll check after he fills up the boxes. Since they're on the other side of my living room, I can hear when he comes. I'm sending out a thank-you card. Ah, he's walking up right now. Yay!

Okay, back in (it took a little while to get out and back). I got a couple of pieces of important mail, and a couple of junk pieces. But the thank you card was sent; they don't always see to take the outgoing mail.

Okay, I'm going to try to do something useful or at least enjoyable. Take care.

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