
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

It was a rather odd birthday

Mostly running around for people, but I did enjoy a nice dinner at Texas Roadhouse (including indulging myself with a brownie). I didn't eat at all until 2 pm and then stuffed myself to my eyeballs, which probably isn't good given my desire to lose weight, but it was a special occasion, after all. I also watched some 'Waiting for God' with YKWIA and after all the errands and everything were done, I came home and napped for a couple of hours. My mom called me and we talked for quite some time. My phone's been vibrating all day with Facebook good wishes. So, it was a good day. I didn't go to a movie or do something particularly grand, but I got to talk to my friends and family, the weather was much nicer than they expected a few days ago, and it was nice to be off. I'm still rather tired. I was thinking of watching something on the telly but I think I may just listen to some music and have a quiet rest of the night. I may or may not post any more tonight, but in case not, have a wonderful night.

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