Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Listening to

'John Riley' by Joan Baez

Several years ago I was partly laid off and as a result, was evicted from my apartment at the time.  During that stressful time, I abandoned my record collection, justifying it because I did not have any way to listen to the vinyl at the time. These included albums of my parents from the 1960s and my own coming of age in the 80s. YKWIA advised me against it, but I ignored very good advice, and if course came to regret it.

So it made me happy to find an audio tape I'd made of Joan Baez' Ballad Book album, one of the lost ones. Not too long ago I bought a CD boom box that still of all things had a tape player, because I wanted to listen to my old tapes. It also had an auxiliary so I can plug in my phone. So I get the best of both worlds.

I was very fortunate to see Baez in concert a couple of years ago, with great third row seats, and I enjoyed every bit of the show. But it's nice to have this as well.  It's nice as an accompaniment to reading as well.

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