Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, April 13, 2012

Maybe there's something to this slowly increasing my insulin

even though it's taken about a year. My blood sugar before dinner was 127, which is very good for me. And that was with a mid-afternoon snack of cottage cheese and a bit of fresh strawberries with a couple of kiwi slices thrown in. Now if I can just get that morning number down.

I'm now at 95 units of Lantus, taken in doses twice a day of 45, plus 29 units of Novolog at breakfast, 35 at lunch, and 38 at dinner, which seems a lot to me, but then I am a big girl. :) I have also lost four pounds since Monday, which could just be water weight, and my A1c was .4 points lower, which isn't much, but I'm going to take good news where I can.

This has been one of those weeks where I have been extremely busy to the point almost being frenetic, but I didn't get much accomplished, which is very frustrating. Plus, I didn't get much accomplished at home because I kept coming home and crashing after work. And unfortunately I took the last of what was in my insulin pen at lunch. I have more, but it has to be out of the refrigerator for awhile, and I did take it out as soon as I got home, but I can't wait another hour to eat, and with it being end of the work week/Friday, I probably will crash.

The frustrating thing is that it's not like I'm doing farming or roofing or other physical labour (although today I got a workout shelving about 50 thick medical books and bound journals, and shifting 200 small bound journals to fit one in that goes in front). But staring at a computer screen all day, even with frequent shifting and stretching, and navigating phone systems is, well, kind of tiring. Add my blood sugar into the equation and I tend to crash. I feel like the only thing I accomplished this week was finishing the Hunger Games trilogy, and then it was because I was trapped at the doctor's office.

Anyway, that's one reason I haven't blogged--I've been incredibly busy followed by falling into a torpour. Sorry about that.

I'm trying to eat healthier. One thing I've been doing is eating a salad every night. It's a combination of spring greens with herbs, red & yellow bell peppers, mushrooms, cucumber, croutons, a slice of Havarti cheese, and a store-bought balsamic vinaigrette, really simple and rather white bread, but it's so much better than the salads I get at work, even when they have the baby lettuces, too (I really dislike iceberg lettuce, which I find tasteless). It's not anything up to YKWIA's standards (he is an excellent cook and salad maker), but it's been nice to have.

Speaking of YKWIA, who is my greatest critic, he told me today that the short haircut really suited me. Since his praise is only given when truly earned, I took that to heart. It's starting to look like the original picture, but I'll probably have to go back in about 2-3 weeks for a trim.

My neighbour is out for her nightly walk with her cat. Enough said.

Okay. Tonight I'm going to try to do some things I'm sadly behind on. Really. So good night, unless I blog some more later. :)

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