Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Today I have:

  1. Blogged more than 'Hi, I'll blog later!'
  2. Eaten tuna for breakfast, cooked macaroni and cheese for lunch, eaten crackers and cheese for dinner, and blended some frozen berries and fresh strawberries into a tasty treat.
  3. Learned to upload a video clip to Blogger.
  4. Finished the game notes.
  5. Put said notes on my Kindle for tomorrow.
  6. Napped (yeah, you would think I wouldn't have, but I took a break during the notes).
  7. Gone out to a convenience store for some things (yeah, I wasn't going to go out, but they had the walks clear by 9 am and the drive clear by 2 pm, so it wasn't bad, just cold).
  8. Listened to some music.
  9. Played (and won) a game of Monopoly on the Kindle.
  10. Called my mom and checked on her and my grandmother, who's been getting frailer. Starting Monday my mom will have some help in taking care of her mom, which is good.
  11. Called someone who's been helping with that situation and let her know my mom has found some help.
  12. Called a friend who was cooking so I let him get back to his sauce. I have now made more phone calls in one day than I usually do over several.
Left to do:
  1. Charge batteries for recorder for the game tomorrow (should have been doing that all day, but if all else fails, I have some regular batteries I can take with me. I just prefer rechargeable ones).
  2. Put batteries, recorder, and Kindle in my bag for tomorrow.
  3. Clear up some of the stuff that I moved all over the place when trying to find a sympathy card the other day.
  4. Make a sympathy card with a lovely Christina Rosetti poem inside. I knew that poetry collection on my Kindle would come in handy.
  5. Watch something from the DVR, which means either Tower Prep or Doctor Who. I still have loads on there I haven't touched, and I'm not used to having the time to do so. And since I actually don't feel like conking out early this evening, I may get a chance to watch.
PS Found a nice use for the Kindle the other day. A friend called to ask about a point regarding Latin pronunciation. Having studied both classical and mediaeval Latin, and having gotten rusty in both, I wasn't sure of the answer, but...I have Wheelock's Latin (THE gold-standard Latin grammar today) on my Kindle and was able to look it up. Mind you, I have a copy at home (an earlier edition, though, but really, how much does a dead language change?), but I wasn't at home when he called and wouldn't normally have had that on me. Although it's true a book can be easily used via index and table of contents and carried about in a backpack or purse, the right book out of hundreds is not so easy to pick. With my Kindle, I have access to up to 1,500 books or so if I so wished. The newer ones can handle over 3,000. As it is, I have 150 books plus collections in my hand (so probably more like 400 books), so that is an advantage. Plus, I can change the font size as needed (I often do as my eyes tire over the course of the day.)

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