Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I wholeheartedly agree!

People asking about http://wapo.st/eRHo6W. It's public domain, so you can make Huck a Klingon if you want, but it's not Mark Twain's book.less than a minute ago via web

Gaiman links to the Washington Post's PostPartisan section: 'Huck Finn' sanitized for your protection by Jonathan Capehart, which disagrees with the decision by NewSouth Books to release an edition of Huckleberry Finn without the n-word (replacing it with 'slave'.) They also deal a blow to Twain's use of the word 'Injun'. Maybe he's just Joe in the book, I don't know. But Gaiman's essentially right--it's not Twain's book. It's a book for idiots who don't understand historical context, under the guise of making it palatable for all. The sad thing? Huckleberry Finn is perennially challenged and banned. Schools will probably buy into the sugarcoated version to avoid that.

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