Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Taking stock

I would like to go to...Britain and Ireland.
I want...to live life to the fullest.
I need...to learn to be less inhibited by my fears.
More than anything I...want to fall in love and be loved.
If I won the lottery...I'd pay off my loans, buy a small house and a working car, do the same for my mother and my friends, live off the interest, adopt children, and become a humanitarian.
I see...beauty in the world around me.
My dream concert would be...listening to Mozart play his 40th.
The last thing I did was...listen to a friend.
The last person I hugged was...Dwana.
I yelled at...I can't remember the last time I yelled at anything.
I kissed...a friend. On the head.
I cried when...ever Lassie came on as a child.
If I could have one pet it would be...able to purr like a cat and be independent but have the love and devotion of a dog.
Last night...I had strange dreams.
Right now...I'm thinking about lunch.
Love is...the most important thing in the human spirit.
I hate...ticks on me. But I also recognise they are part of the web of life. I just don't want them on me.
My favorite phrase is...'bless its/his/her heart'. I certainly use it enough, anyway.
The last person I saw was...Dwana.
My parents...were not prepared for me.
God is...everything. We are all within God.
My favorite sport is...Quidditch.
My favorite band is...Rush.
I last ate...a Pop-tart.
I'd like to...learn to fly...or bellydance...or ride...or all of them.

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