Yesterday evening: Typed on project, visited friend, cleaned cat boxes, mopped kitchen and bathroom floor, played Scrabble on the computer, talked with a friend over the phone, gave someone a ride home
Today: Slept late, did yoga and dog massage out in the back yard (the hill slope is perfect for aligning your body as if you were on a bolster), basked with dog in the sun, slept, cuddled with cat, took a shower, got groceries (and quarters), came up with story idea and plotted it out, slept, talked with another friend on the phone, washed dog, trimmed everybody's claws (except mine--can't find my clippers), cleaned bathroom fixtures, took out trash, cleaned vegetables from Momma's garden, saved a spider from trash can and installed it in utility closet, put a leaf of lettuce in the aquarium to begin the great snail cleanout, put the veggies in the refrigerator, discovered crisper collects water, took out vegetable castoffs to edge of the woods for rabbits and other critters who'll eat it, sweep up and spot mop the kitchen and bathroom floors, and listened to lots of classical music.
Tomorrow: Take dog on a visit to the rest of the pack, be terrorised by gamemaster who wants to kill our characters, help someone wash another dog, probably do more typies, do some laundry for work.
Okay, it's not the most exciting life out there, but I'm enjoying it for the most part. :) And it's nice not having to cram everything into one day for a change.
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