Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, June 11, 2004

Finally...a word for what I do. Ironically enough, it's cluttering

I came across this TOTALLY by accident...I was looking up a book on surgical dysplasias. Amazon.com: So You'd Like to... Learn about cluttering, a speech disorder like stuttering

This is what I do. I never realised it until a friend pointed it out; it was only once I was aware that I realised I'd leave out words, have trouble getting them out, or couldn't find the right word. Sometimes he asks me if English is my second language, it gets so annoying for him to listen. Most people don't comment on it, but I probably sound like an idiot. I can organise my thoughts much better in written form, which is one reason I did well in school. I only occasionally 'lose' a word I want to use when writing, and then I can substitute something, although it is frustrating; I wonder if it's related to a learning disorder. But in terms of everyday interaction--now that I'm much more socially plugged in--it's gotten so bad that I've wondered if I should be checked out for some sort of brain issue, like early Alzheimer's, especially with the memory issues, too. I wonder if this is one of the reasons I was so painfully shy as a kid. Hmmm...

a) Repetitions ("I will..I will...I will...go to the store"),
b) Interjections (filler words like "uh," and adding seemingly random words and phrases in the middle of other thoughts)
c) Revisions ("I'm going for a...to Wal-Mart," crossing out a thought, and replacing it with something else)


Cluttering: "I want to go to the st...uh...place where you buy...market st-st-store and I don't have muh-muh ti-ti-time money."

Stuttering: "I want to go to the sssssssssstore and I don't have muh-muh- muh-muh-money."

Here's more info:

Cluttering: Some Guidelines

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