...except more refreshed. I had a headache yesterday afternoon; I'm not sure if it was from giving blood earlier in the day, or sinuses, or a mild migraine--it was light-sensitive--but I laid down about six pm. I just woke up, about 13 hours later. Poor Cerys, she was remarkably good, never complained or asked to go out, and held for a long time. Of course, she's used to holding if it rains for a couple days, too. :)
I usually pick up someone who works second shift up, but he was off yesterday, so after a few early calls (mostly from telemarketers), I slept soundly, with many interesting, fully cinematic dreams. I haven't been getting more than six hours or so of sleep a night, it's been kind of stressful lately, and I'd taken a trip the day before, done laundry, run errands, changed a car headlight, been productive, and had missed two days of naps. I've been coming home from work each day just overwhelmingly tired. Yesterday I just crashed. Today I feel great...I wonder if it will last.
Being so tired might explain my stupid thing #739984 yesterday; I was talking to Dwana out at our cars as we went to leave work yesterday (because goodness knows if we're seen together AT work it's somehow an issue), said goodbye, and then she left. I got into my car and realised I had no idea where my keys were. I'd already unlocked the car door and put my stuff inside. I start looking through everything; nothing. I do have a spare set of keys in my purse (for the car, not my house as of yet), but my keys also have a little change purse with my driver's licence, debit card, and health insurance card in it. Being OCD my first impulse was to follow Dwana home, thinking I'd left them when I leaned on her trunk. But then I thought of the chances that either I'd find them along the road (assuming I went the same way she did) or that they'd still be on her car, and forced myself to go the opposite direction towards my original destination. I turned up the radio and was drumming along with the window down when I felt something with my hand and realised immediately that I had, indeed, left the keys in the car door lock without having checked that. Rather sheepishly, I pulled them out (thankfully I was at a red light) and went on with my day.
That was one of just a series of adventures that I won't go into, mainly because they're gross and you wouldn't want to know. But, it shows how my day was going, and how tired I must have been. I think I've had a lot of trouble lately in terms of sleep. My mask is still giving me fits, so I'm not sure I'm getting the whole benefit of the CPAP, plus I've had trouble sleeping at night and then sleep in the day when I want to get things done. I'm going to pay attention and see if my memory/speech is better today than it has been. I've seemed to have more trouble finding words than normal...maybe it's sleep deprivation.
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