I fell asleep earlier, which is why I'm up at what others might see as an ungodly hour (actually, I've always been partial to this time of night).
Since we no longer have a Friday Five, I thought I'd come up with five things post-move.
- What is the one item still packed away you miss most? Oddly enough, my tweezers.
- What do you like most about your new place? You mean besides the bigger rooms for nearly a third less money, a quiet and safe neighbourhood, not to mention a carpet that has never known Buns, a cat I loved but who was incontinent late in life? How about having a marsh full of wildlife--frogs, cats, cavorting beavers, ducks, geese, fireflies, and birds of every description?
- What do you like least? Only having two windows and no patio. Granted, they're on the south side, but the last apartment was much more open. Still, this one has a lot more useable space.
- What food got you through the move? Taco Bell and Krispy Kremes.
- So, are you unpacked yet? Hah! And again, hah! I have my bed, my kitchen, most of my bath stuff (damn, where are those tweezers?), and my computer--the necessities. Everything else will come in time.
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