
Monday, September 03, 2012


I almost never get to sleep in. Either I'm at work, or on someone's schedule, or have my own things to do. Last night I turned all the alarms off. I woke up at 8:30 to go to the bathroom, and I took my long-acting insulin. Then I went back to bed. I was having an annoying dream where I was having to fight a non-existent library branch for a snack they offered but didn't actually know how to sell, and had finally resolved that when I woke up at 11:45. I guess I was dreaming about food because it had been over 12 hours since I'd eaten. My blood sugar was good despite lots of treats yesterday (as in fresh fruit and cheese, plus a wonderful meal of kugel, zucchini soup, and purple coleslaw). And while I did sleep nearly 12 hours, consider that I'd been up early yesterday and had a full day. On a normal week I would have gone into work somewhat zombified, been productive regardless (I am often most productive on those days), and then slipped home and crashed for 12 hours anyway. This time I got to avoid the delay. :)

It's gloomy outside but not raining. We did get some yesterday, but I don't know if it was a good soaking rain or not, since we were playing and it was dark already when the real rain came, and I sit with my back to the window anyway. But I did hear it a couple of times, which is a good sign, as the windows were closed. Even my pepper, which sits deep inside a porch, had some. I'll check later today to see if I need to water it more, though.

I have no plans for today. I don't plan on going out unless there's a good reason. The buses only run till 8:20 anyway. I'll try to take my aquarium hood assembly in tomorrow. So today it's read, straighten up a bit, watch some DVDs, laze around a bit, and generally entertain myself, something I used to be quite good at doing but have lately started failing at miserably, hence the getting bored and going on to bed. They say as you get older you get more 'opposite' than you were on the Myers-Briggs test. I used to be a very strong introvert, then was more in the middle. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm losing the introvert's ability to amuse themselves without stimulation. Could I be becoming (oh, no) an extrovert? I have become very people-oriented over time, rather than living as much in my own head. It does make you wonder. :)

On that note, I think I'll go read. Hope you have a lovely day off, if you have one.

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