Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oh, man

I just woke up when someone called me, and was totally disoriented at first. I didn't remember going to sleep, I thought it was morning and it was 11:30 at night, etc. I came home from visiting my family, ate a little fish, and basically went plunk after that. Visiting takes a lot out of me, for some reason.

My mother and I went and decorated my grandfather's grave and walked through the old stones of the cemetery. My mom told me there was a third plot at my grandparents' lot if I ever needed it. I reiterated that I did not want to be embalmed and wished to be cremated. She said that my ashes could still be buried there (she had fears of urns falling over and dust busters, I think).

It was 95 degrees there today, so we got very hot walking about. The cemetery looked very nice; most graves were decorated. My great-grandparents' grave had a little purple spray of flowers on them--my great-grandmother's favourite colour, like mine, was purple.

We went to visit my grandmother, who looked better than the last time I saw her but wasn't feeling the best. Then we went over to my mom's for awhile and got caught up in a movie, The Jackal, with Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, and Sidney Poitier. After that, we headed back to Lexington, and I pretty much just fell asleep.

I had planned to watch 'Being Human', Season 1 (the British, original version). I have it out of the library, but that's a no-go now. And I was going to clean the fish tank. I've lost a goldfish. But I think I'll just take my insulin and head back to bed. My right arm is hurting and it's not supporting weight or lifting very well when I try to use it. I don't know if I slept on it wrong, or what. It's been a few days now, and it seems to be coming from my shoulder. I hope I don't have tendonitis in it again--that was such a pain, literally, a couple of years ago.

Good night.

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