Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Must cool down

It's 82 degrees outside, and don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining after the highs in the 50s all week, but when you're lugging bottles of wine around, you can work up a sweat, and my face is red. I left at 10:35 and took the bus up three blocks (it's safer than going along the road, where there's no sidewalk for about a block). I had lunch at Taco Bell (that's probably the first time in at least six months, and the people there were very nice). Since most of their traffic was drive-through, I had the dining room to myself.

Then it was across the street to Liquor Barn, where I'd been asked to get three bottles of wine to be used for both cooking and drinking. I knew I wanted to get some wine for my libations and some mead as well.

I was in there a long time. I simply know almost nothing about wine. I had a price to guide me by, but nothing else. I finally chose two pinot grigios (and that was mainly because the bottle had leaping Etruscans on it--I want those bottles when he's finished, although I do hope the wine is nice) and a merlot. I got a merlot for me as well, for the libation. I normally choose burgundy but haven't been able to find any of late. I thought maybe they can't call it that anymore (kind of like champagne has to come from Champagne, France), but if so I don't know what they call it now. Did I mention I am sorely stupid when it comes to wine? I did need help finding the mead, and in the same section there were elderberry, pomegranate, and other fruit wines. I filed that away for future reference.

So that took the better part of the three hours I was out wandering up and down three blocks of Richmond Road. I still had about a half an hour before the bus came by on the way home, and so I checked out Gabriel Brothers and found a pair of jeans and a shirt for $13. Not a bad deal. Once I got off the bus, I went into the library to pay my little fine for the other day when I fell asleep and then also checked out a book called Wine Basics for Dummies. (Although I know it's a good series, I find the titles to be a little insulting, except for things I know next to nothing about, like cars and wine. Actually, I can change a flat tyre, know how to change my oil, and know just about every part under the hood, especially those that have gone out on me before, so my knowledge of cars is vast compared to my knowledge of wine.) :)

Anyway, I'm drinking something cold and I'm going to go sit by the fan for a few minutes before doing anything else. I wish I had ice cream, but I don't really need it. After I get cooled down I'll get going on the rest of the tasks for the day.

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