Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Well, they were two hours late

But the carpet does look so much better. I decided that since it's 81 degrees, I just didn't feel like going out just for laundry money. I'll stop by the bank tomorrow on my way to work. Instead I watched TV (amazing, yes), of all things Star Trek: Next Generation [they have this thing on BBCAmerica where they have ST:TNG, X-Files, and Doctor Who every weekday]. I remembered the other two really well, but not this Star Trek episode ('Remember Me'), so it was nice to watch it again. Oddly enough, this evening LOGO is having a major amount of Absolutely Fabulous. :)

The house is cleaner. I have eaten. I had a Morningstar Tomato Basil burger and a lovely salad. I think I'm going to go take a small nap while the light is streaming through the windows. Then it'll be back to working on the various projects. I couldn't take the recyclables out earlier because I was waiting for the guys to come, and I didn't manage to work on either notes or the book review while waiting. I did get the dishes done, and the I took the trash out as soon as they left when I went to get a soda after getting a shower.

I've enjoyed being off today. Granted, I wish they'd come when they were supposed to, but other than that, it's been a really nice day.

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