Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Okay, I pretty much just try to catch the figure skating

and I don't know what some of the sports even are, but this was an interesting widget available from the Vancouver Olympics site that gives the medal counts...

Several of my co-workers are recording them on DVR to watch later. One is particularly fascinated with curling. :) I wish I knew when each event was actually aired...the men's free skate happens at 8 pm our time, but I don't know if it will be broadcast live or at some point in the evening's schedule, and I don't want to devote hours to watching. Of course, one of my co-workers pointed out that's the great thing about DVR--being able to fast forward through anything you don't want to watch. We also discussed at lunch that the Olympics seems to be a bigger thing among the older members of their families rather than the young ones. One woman posited that it was because when we were young there were only three channels (okay, four with PBS--she forgot that one, but it was always fuzziest in terms of reception), so it was a bigger deal. I can't say I'm really excited by the Olympics. I didn't think the couples free skate--the only event I've seen--was all that spectacular. But I wish the athletes well.

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