Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, April 26, 2004

What day is it?

Sorry to be incommunicado yesterday but I spent most of it either awake at the wrong times, sleeping during the wrong times, and in the emergency room (for which there is never a good time). [And not to worry, all is better now.] I noticed that UK Med has put in some recliners to make the wait easier...someone had a wonderful idea with that.

I finally got a little rest which is good since my speech had degenerated to things like 'aks' for 'ask' and diphthongs that you only hear in the movie Deliverance, which is somewhat perplexing, as I am neither black nor do I normally sound anything like a Hollywood redneck. So, having regained some control of the English language, I thought I'd write.

So, since I think it's Monday, let me get caught up on a couple of things...

First, to mutter:
  1. Elastic:: Latex
  2. Intervention:: Drugs
  3. Risk:: Management
  4. Junk food:: Unhealthy
  5. Arrogance:: Hubris
  6. Responsibility:: Work
  7. X:: Marks the Spot
  8. Marshall:: Plan
  9. Kill:: Murder
  10. Brother:: Monk

and then there's the Monday Madness:

Using the letters in the word 'blogger' describe your blog for us.
Graffito of

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