Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, March 01, 2004

I support gay marriage...

There is no reason why two people of the same sex who love each other should not be allowed to make the same committment and have all the benefits and disadvantages therein. Some benefits of marriage can be found in 'workarounds', but not all. The court will not recognise spousal privelege. The Social Security will not pay death benefits to longtime partners who have been prevented by the system to marry.

Most arguments against gay marriage are religious; religious marriage is not the issue. The church is not required to approve of any civil marriage (and in fact, many churches will not recognise a marriage performed by a justice of the peace). Religious approval is a matter for the churches. Civil marriage is a matter for the state. Because of the separation of church and state in America, there should be no reason to prevent men and women who love each other from making a loving committment.

Gay marriages will not be the death knell to marriage. Heterosexuals, who have a huge divorce rate, have already proven that they cannot use their monopoloy on marriage to maintain the institution.

Why punish two reasoning adults who love one another? Why do some people fear this so much?

Marriage is love.

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