Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Sorry I didn't post yesterday

I've been crazyily busy of late.  Thanksgiving exhausted me,  YKWIA had some issues and needed extra help, and we have seven appointments (mostly in the evening, thankfully) between us this week to go to.  My family member is back in the hospital,  this time at her local one,  although they are talking about sending her up here to Lexington at the University of Kentucky.

Things I'd like to get done this week between ail that include putting the Yule tree up,  watering all the plants in the apartment,  doing my laundry (I got it into the cart Sunday,  but left it at home accidentally).  I'd also like to go use the gym some more at the apartment complex. Oh,  and I need to put the stiff I pulled out of the closets back in. Just little things,  really,  but things I've been too tired to accomplish of late.  Oh,  and I need to schedule a CT scan because of something that cropped up on an x-ray.  I was going to go to a Web conference at UK tomorrow,  but something more urgent came up.  My head is just about spinning.  But hey,  I'll figure it all out,  and get what needs to be done finished.

In the meantime,  I applied for a job for which I am well-qualified.  Keep your fingers crossed for me. It's even another hospital librarian position,  similar to what I do now but at a larger institution,  administered by a university,  so it's a faculty position renewable yearly.  I would really love to get it. We'll see.  Wish me luck.

Also,  they posted the position of the woman I'm filling in for in scheduling.  I don't want to give up my librarian job,  which pays more than most of the clerical jobs in the hospital, (although the data entry job pays much less,  so it rounds down, and the result could be about the same as her position) just to have a position that would go to the new building. But I don't love scheduling.  I love being a librarian.  I'm not saying I wouldn't take a position outside of librarianship to make ends meet if we get down to the wire in terms of the elimination of my position,  but I'm not ready to give up on my library career yet.  :)

Okay,  I'm blogging on my phone,  and this is a long post for that.  Let me see how much damage autocorrect has done and wrap this up.  Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

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