Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, June 12, 2015

I find it very relaxing, and yes I have crayons and coloured pencils at home--I should invest in some colouring books

For Adults, Coloring Invites Creativity And Brings Comfort
Adult coloring is surging in popularity, and I've wondered why. Sure, it is engaging, relaxing and helps combat stress — and who doesn't in our too-hectic lives need more of that terrific trio? Yet I can experience those things from my primary leisure activity, reading fiction. What coloring offers that reading does not is explained aptly by clinical psychologist Kimberly Wulfert for EverydayHealth.com:
"In coloring, you've got this physical sensation of the tool you're using touching on the paper. You also have the feeling in your hands and fingers holding this tool, and moving in different rhythms as you fill in the space," she says, adding that "you're being mindful, and when you move in a rhythmic fashion for an extended period of time, that becomes a meditation."

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