Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, June 14, 2015

An interesting yet disturbing period of medical history

How Black Slaves Were Routinely Sold As ‘Specimens’ To Ambitious White Doctors
The history of human experimentation is as old as the practice of medicine and in the modern era has always targeted disadvantaged, marginalised, institutionalised, stigmatised and vulnerable populations: prisoners, the condemned, orphans, the mentally ill, students, the poor, women, the disabled, children, peoples of colour, indigenous peoples and the enslaved.

Human subject research is evident wherever physicians, technicians, pharmaceutical companies (and others) are trialling new practices and implementing the latest diagnostic and therapeutic agents and procedures. And the American South in the days of slavery was no different – and for those looking for easy targets, black slave bodies were easy to come by.

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