Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, September 07, 2013


Having a couple of tomatoes from the farmer's market right now. Very yummy! I got about 3 lbs of tomatoes and a couple of summer squash, the latter of which I'll sauté with some onion, zucchini, and tomatoes later on. It was a beautiful day for the market. Before the farmer's market, I went to the library, paid my fine, got a new library card with key fob (one that fits with the others on my keychain better, so it won't become as damaged. My old one was falling apart.) I got three books, one on fitness by the Mayo Clinic and two on Google+, which despite being a techie, I've never really used to its full potential.

Now I'm going to take a brief break and then work on tackling the game notes from last time.

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