Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A long but rather pleasant day

Listening to: 'Fire on the Mountain' by Rob Thomas (from Cradlesong)

Things were somewhat slow at work today, so it was a catch-up day for a few things. I texted with a friend later in the day for awhile, and then went to another friend's house and watched a couple of episodes of 'Castle' with him (including a really good Halloween one). Then we ate some food from Subway (this time I actually got a 6 inch, rather than a footlong, and felt much better). We watched a couple of episodes of 'Waiting for God' while we ate, then we did some projects around the house. I got home about 11 pm. Tomorrow I have to stop by my doctor's office for a blood draw, rather than a full appointment, so I shouldn't be too late for work. I have some things coming tomorrow from Amazon that I'm excited about. I'm going to go over to a friend's house for a little bit. I still haven't decided whether to ask off for Friday. I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow. It would be nice to have a day to catch up on things at home.

I'm afraid I'm fading, so I'll sign off of here and say good night. Oh, and happy spring/vernal equinox/Ostara. (Or autumnal equinox if you're in the southern hemisphere). :)

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