Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, March 18, 2013

A night for tech issues

I had gone to my public library book and had gotten a few books, come home, taken a short (30 minute) nap, and then woke up to find that my friends' phone was acting up. One had called me a little after 5 pm, but I didn't get the voicemail until after 7, which is weird. By that time, I'd gotten an e-mail to answer my phone, and had tried calling them. The voicemail asked me to come over, so I headed over there. I did some basic troubleshooting, called the cable company, and they tried to fix it on their end. We decided the phone itself might have shorted out, as there was a storm this morning (it was actually what woke me up today), so I went home and got a phone that we could try out. No luck. I called the cable company back to arrange for a service call and they had me try plugging the phone directly into the modem, and that worked. Apparently some things were unplugged during the storm, and there was an extra cable for no good reason, and the wrong cable got plugged back in.

So that was resolved without a service call. Then I came home and found that my internet wasn't working. I reset my wireless router and everything was fine again. So I've gotten my share of troubleshooting tech issues tonight.

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