Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Monday, February 18, 2013

Although we don't get off for President's Day

It was going to be fairly slow around work, and since I haven't had a day off since I went back, and my house looks positively like a tornado went through it (I'm not exaggerating), I took off. So here's the agenda for the day:
  1. Sleep in. Slept till almost 9:30.
  2. Feed fish.
  3. Eat breakfast.
  4. Make an agenda.
  5. Check the news. The whole thing with Pistorius is sad. Now they're talking of a bloody cricket bat and steroids. And the guy who apparently smacked a toddler on an aeroplane in front of a bunch of people using a racial slur is a major jerk who needs an attitude adjustment. Perhaps the fact that he is out of a job will do that.
  6. Shower and dress. Still using the shower chair, by the way, although I stood briefly the other day.
  7. Get some caffeinated drinks. Circle K has a special of Diet Sunkist 3 for $3. Nice. That should keep me going for a couple of days.
  8. Look for a black bra at Gabriel Brothers. Captured one. Also found a series of nesting boxes that look like books that were pretty neat.
  9. Load dishes into dishwasher and run.
  10. Gather up the various trash and recyclables to be taken out.
  11. Take a break for a midday nap, since you don't get those anymore.
  12. Do hand dishes.
  13. Clean kitchen counters.
  14. Pull out the plethora of plastic grocery bags to be recycled.
  15. Move mixer and blender above refrigerator.
  16. Rearrange plastic containers; get rid of old ones or ones missing lids/bottoms.
  17. Get rid of most of the glass jars you're hoarding. And those old glass Airwick things. Recycle.
  18. Rearrange freezer. Fill blue ice trays. Get rid of old ones you don't use.
  19. Straighten up kitchen island.
  20. Straighten up the area around the computer.
  21. Clean the bathroom.
  22. Take trash and recyclables out.
  23. Take out evil sack of mildewed towels from the bathroom flooding incidents while I was off with my injury.
  24. Do something fun. This was your day off, remember? Watched 'Downton Abbey', and then I read and listened to music. :)
I also talked to Brandon on the phone for a little while, which was nice. We usually just text back and forth, but sometimes it's just easier to speak on the phone.

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