Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, September 16, 2005

Good news for a change

I sometimes feel like I tend to do lots of gloom and doom on this blog, partly because of the low points in my own life, partly because of stories that shock me and are blogworthy also tend to be pretty bad, like hurricane devastation, etc.

Well, today I had three bits of good news:
  1. The Adderall is covered by my insurance and not the really expensive in co-pay, but in the $25 range. So, I can start that at the end of this month when I get paid.
  2. Some kind soul who reads this blog sent me $20, for which I thank you very, very much. I was down to cat food for my dog and eggs for me to eat on until the 29th. Now I can get some groceries. Peanut butter and bread were even exhausted, and that's when things get really sad.
  3. D came in with a surprise of a $25 gas card and $5 in cash, saying that she appreciated things I do for her and this was her chance to help me. Thank you so much, D. My gas situation has made me very nervous (obviously, from these posts). Now I can get to work and where I need to without fear.

I feel like I built up a little good karma of late (okay, I know that technically karma isn't ever really good, but you understand my meaning, hopefully). Anyway, thank you to both of you. I'm really lucky to have people out there who care. It's certainly made my day (really my whole week). I'm running around with a stunned happy smile on my face as a result, the type where everyone else can't help smiling and saying hi in the hallway in response to. I'll be sure to pay it forward.

I'm also looking forward to getting together with some of the girls from work for game night (and now I know I can actually get there!) I don't have much interaction with other women (pretty much just at lunch and when I'm doing something with D), so it'll be nice to spend some time hanging out. I don't know, maybe that'll actually get me revved for trying the chorus again. Part of my anxiety was running out of gas in an unfamiliar area, especially without minutes on my cell phone. That shouldn't be a problem. I might even be able to squeeze some minutes out of the money I received and still get enough groceries to live on. Oh, and Cerys thanks you for the dog food, too. :)

Anyway, I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. Mine's looking quite a bit brighter. :)

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