Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I'm having an up and down day (but mostly up)

    Good Things:
  • Dwana is back at work, tired, but here. Yay!
  • I found my badge for work that also has the library keys and my KET card key on it. It was in a supposedly 'safe' place (a compartment in my car's cupholder!) that I totally forgot about. But, at least now I don't have to get replacements.
  • We're getting a small but welcome cash bonus at work. We couldn't really get raises this year, so instead they're taking an amount and splitting it up equally, so I'll have an extra $225 at the beginning of next month.

    Bad Thing:
  • There's been a small crisis at work born from miscommunication between people hundreds of miles from one another, finger pointing, and getting fired up and frankly, where I'm catching some of the fallout even though I don't have final control over the outcome, I've done what I can with what I have and frankly, with my hours cut, I'm not feeling the love and am just sitting here wishing I could find a nice full-time job somewhere else.
  • I'm stressing over the lack of money and lack of full-time job.

    Good Things:
  • Someone else is going to take on the job of smoothing feathers and work things out so I can just focus on my part of things.
  • It's almost lunch, and it's a good selection, and I suspect I'll feel better after I eat.
  • I'm free today after work, and it's beautiful outside.
  • I'm pretty good at handling stress these days.
  • I know this is small change and eventually I'll be in a better position.

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