Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I have a busy evening ahead of me

Things I really should do:
  1. Water the plants, inside the house and in the window boxes
  2. Wash laundry, both hand-washables and machine ones
  3. Straighten up the house
  4. Take out the trash and recyclables
  5. Write a book review that is due Thursday for a book I haven't read yet
  6. Catch up on a PubMed searching class I'm taking
  7. Give my monthly libation to Hekate
Things I'd like to do:
  1. Listen to some new music I have
  2. Watch the 'Big Bang Theory' on DVD
So I'm going to start by reading through the (thankfully brief) book while listening to Of Monsters and Men's My Head is an Animal. Then I'll start on the laundry and clean for a bit, this time to Imagine Dragons' Night Visions. Then I'll sit down and work on the computer for the class and review. I'll celebrate by watching an episode or two of 'The Big Bang Theory' if I get all that accomplished. Then I'll do the libation before bed. That's the plan, anyway. But first, I'm going to take some ibuprofen because my back is hurting still, and it's gone from hurting just when I stand to doing so even when sitting, which doesn't bode well for my plans.

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