Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Friday, August 31, 2012

YKWIA called me around 11 pm and woke me up

So I'm actually doing four loads of laundry right now, since I'm not mega-sleepy and I figure I'll be finished by about 1 am. It was probably easier than staying in bed and getting up at 5 am to do it. I am looking forward to clean clothes, as I was getting down to things that did not belong in 90 degree heat or colours I don't normally wear.

It's technically my night to go out and give a libation, but I have no wine and very little oil or honey. I'm afraid my period came a bit early and so I wan't prepared. I do still have the mead; it might suffice. Red wine is better, but honey wine might work.

I need to call the pharmacy tomorrow and check to see if they can get me more of my Novolog; I'm on my last pen. This time the doctor put in a prescription for two boxes rather than one, so I shouldn't be in danger of running out after this.

You may notice a few somewhat extraneous things are missing from the sidebar. YKWIA complained about the load time for the blog, so I'm trying to pare things down a bit. I need to go through the links on the blogroll; some are no doubt broken.

I think I'll check the news and see what's going on in the world. If I don't write again tonight, have a wonderful night.

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