Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It was so nice to sleep in today, as there is no game, so no getting up at 4:45 am to travel for an hour on the bus for what is a 10-15 minute ride by car to the gamemaster's house to clean and prepare for the game, no major Kroger run, no playing for hours and getting home late, then crashing on Monday evening. While the game is immensely fun, Sundays are very long days for me.

Instead, I slept in until after 8:30, had breakfast, and checked out the (albeit disturbing) news and blogged. So the question is, what to do now? I'm thinking about getting ready to go out, walk down to the store for some caffeine, and then working on the house this morning. I have quite a lot of TV to catch up on, and I have an Indiana Jones movie out from Netflix I should return tomorrow.

I'd like to go out and get some presents, but I don't have much left after my bills because they had to take money out of my pay where I'd been overpaid last time (and I pretty much spent that on medicine and groceries). So there's not much money before the holidays. But I'll see what I can do. :)

Okay, I should get going. Have a great day!

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