Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sometimes you shouldn't check your news

The following story appeared on my phone news stream widget and I was curious, so I tapped it. On the surface, it was notable because it is the biggest lawsuit damage award given in this country, albeit largely symbolic, as there is no way to collect the money. But I wondered what had prompted it, and I found myself questioning a person's humanity, and what I found there made me wonder at how any person could do such a horrible thing to another.

Jury awards record $150 billion to family of burned boy

In 1998, Robbie Middleton was turning 8 years old. Two weeks before his birthday, he was allegedly sexually assaulted by a 13-year-old who then, on his birthday, allegedly set the 8-year-old on fire. The attacker threw a cup of gasoline in his face, tied him to a tree with fishing line, and then ignited him. The boy endured many surgeries and was unable to communicate fully about the case. He died at the age of 20 from skin cancer.

The 13-year-old was detained, but later released, and was never officially pursued further in the case, although he is now 26 and is in prison on charges of molesting another 8-year-old in 2001. He is due to be released next year. The family and the lawyers in the case brought a civil suit in hopes of getting the criminal case against his alleged attacker reopened.

I can't imagine what this young boy went through, what he endured, at the hands of a young teenager who had no regard for his life or dignity. That anyone--particularly another child, could do this, sickens me. I certainly hope they get justice in this case.

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