Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I have really been slacking

and I'm sorry for that. It has been a combination of having a lot to do in the early part of the month and falling asleep because I just feel so tired all the time (I suspect that has something to do with my blood sugar, at least often, as I come home, I eat (and yes, take my insulin), but then fall asleep). Seeing as this month is the tenth anniversary of this blog, I'm going to do what I can to change how things have been going and actually blog before I get overwhelmed by a case of the tireds, if at all possible.

Today, though, I am totally free. Because I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere, I did wait to do the game notes till today. And I plan to pick up some bread from the grocery and a book that's come in to the library (and take two back that are due this weekend). I also need to finish a Kindle library book, which is due today, so I'd like to do some reading. And maybe watch a movie and do the dishes. Not much of a day, but it's nice to just have some 'me' time, I think.

Next Saturday I am going to talk to a representative of Milward Funeral Directors. She sent me some information I had requested on doing advanced planning. I want to assure that I am cremated and not embalmed, and if possible, take out a policy to pay the costs rather than having my family use my life insurance, which is, after all, tied to my employment. I've talked to my mother about my wishes. She had mentioned a plot near my grandparents that is available, and I reminded her I planned on being cremated. She pointed out the urn could be buried there, which is fine with me if that would make her feel better, as long as I am not embalmed and placed in the ground as is. [I asked her why she would want to bury the urn, and she brought up the Dust Buster possibilities if it were knocked over. See, I do get my sense of humour honestly.] But really, I think she'd rather have a grave to visit, and that's fine. I just really am grossed out by the idea of embalming. Personally I'd rather just be scattered somewhere nice, but what happens after my body is burnt is really not my concern. I just want it to break down quickly, to allow for release of the spirit and potentially quicker reincarnation. And I also want to make sure my wishes regarding religious aspects of a funeral are followed--I don't want some Christian preacher I've never met come up for my family and talk about what a good person I was. I'm not Christian, for one, I'm Pagan. When my great-grandmother died, a man preached her funeral who really didn't know her. He talked about how much she loved the hills of Owen county, and how she was infirm but still sharp. She had had Alzheimer's for fifteen years. I don't know if my grandmother and great-aunt were ultimately to blame for that, if they didn't want the community to know that Ma was lost when it came to her mind, but it offended me, greatly. Anyway, I just want to make my wishes known, and see what my options are for paying it off.

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