Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It was inevitable--someone's having a bit of fun :)

Bronx Zoo's missing cobra 'speaks out' on Twitter
A tongue-in-cheek Twitter user giving "updates" on a missing deadly Egyptian cobra now has some 35,000 followers.

The 20in (50cm) venomous snake escaped from New York City's Bronx Zoo on Friday, and is yet to be found.

In one tweet, BronxZoosCobra says: "On top of the Empire State Building! All the people look like little mice down there. Delicious little mice."

In its Twitter account, The Bronx Zoo - which has some 6,000 followers - admits it is currently "the snake's game".
Incidentally, the snake now has over 101,000 followers, but on the upside, the Bronx Zoo gained about 1,000. :) The zoo is confident that the snake is still in the reptile house, hiding in a non-public area.

1 comment:

Atlanta Roofing said...

Bronx Zoo staffers who are trying to track down the missing Egyptian cobra might want to check Twitter, which is now posting messages from the "cobra" as it explores New York City. Workers at the Bronx Zoo have been searching for the missing snake for the last three days without success.