Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I have spent the last two and a half hours tossing in the bed, itching

It's from my neck to my ankles. No rash or bites, just a pervasive itch. At first I thought I may be having a general reaction to that Apidra, which causes a localised reaction on me, but I don't think so. It may be diabetic dry skin, or it may be my bodywash, although I changed that over a week ago. Still, it could just now be causing issues, as your body has to be sensitised to something before it reacts.

YKWIA, who has a medical background, suggested a cool bath, which has helped. I went ahead and shampooed and used my old bodywash, which still had some in it, because it is Aveeno and I thought it might soothe the itch. Then I slathered everything I could get to with an odourless intensive overnight moisturising lotion to see if it would help. So far, it seems better. I thought I had some children's Benadryl somewhere, but it turned out to be a diabetic generic Robitussin. Useful if I had a cough, not so good with an itch. :(

YKWIA called me up because he was having trouble remembering how to spell the name of a syndrome with a French name. Fortunately the medical librarian was familiar with the syndrome and was dead on with the spelling. So I paid him back for his suggestion.

Okay, I'm going to try to get up super early because I was supposed to do something online for a friend tonight and never got to it because of the itching. He'll probably call again tomorrow morning and I already put him off today. I really meant to do it tonight, but it was just maddening the way the itching continued. I also need to work on game notes since I'm going to Danville on Saturday for my birthday and I need to go to the bank before work.

That reminds me: One of my fellow librarians in the system, Laura Mueller, sent me a wonderful birthday card of the Little Mermaid. She knows my birthday is the same as Hans Christian Andersen's and that I'm a fan of his work. It's also International Children's Book Day (instituted the year I was born), and years ago she sent me a poster that hangs on the inside of my apartment door. It's an appropriate birthday for a librarian, don't you think?

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