Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm just now getting home and it's after nine

I worked my full schedule till 7 this evening, waited for the bus till 7:30, and went to Kroger since there was one more bus that went by there for the night. I didn't have anything in the house beyond green beans and Irish oats, I'm afraid, otherwise I would have waited until later in the week. That only took 20 minutes, though, so I waited 40 minutes in the cold for that last bus. I could have walked home, but 1) my foot has really been hurting and 2) I was in black pants and jacket, so it wasn't the best time to go walking down a sidewalk-free road in the bike lane at night. But I'm home now, that's what counts, and I've eaten a bagel and cream cheese (would you believe I had never had one until I worked for a bagel company when I was 25?) Yum.

My foot is either still broken or I have a horrible case of arthritis there. The pain woke me up the night before last and I had to ice it to help. I blame Bill, who fifteen years ago stepped on me (the hazards of being short around a person 6'5") in just that place. I didn't have insurance then and hobbled around for weeks. I think it either broke then or the bone was weakened. Then three years or so ago I had the stress fractures there. This winter my podiatrist suspected another stress fracture. (They don't show up on x-rays until they heal, though.) This time it's hurting there and also up the side of my foot, up the top further, and into my ankle. It started hurting when the temperature plunged 30 degrees; it had been doing better. So maybe it is arthritis. I really do not want to perpetually be in the Frankenboot. Have any of you had similar issues?

Before the foot issue reared its ugly head again, I had thought about joining an aerobic dance class that started at work tonight. Granted, I'd probably look silly, but I think we all think that, I'm sure. It sounds fun. I know the foot would feel better if I lost weight, but it's hard to do so when you're hobblng around. A bike might be a good idea, though, and I have my grandmother's exercise bike here. I know, I talk about it, but I don't get on it, right?

I think I'll check the news and post if there's anything of interest. If not, good night.

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