Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I'm not sure how I feel about this

San Francisco man says beheading video is a hoax

On the one hand, filming a pretended beheading is kind of sick, and it detracts from the actual victims of these barbarous acts--and probably causes security agencies wasted time and manpower that would be better spent for real situations. On the other hand...it not only shows how easily such footage can be faked (and how easy it is to distribute and make it into big media coverage), but it might actually work against the terror groups who thrive on infamous attention. If claims are made and can't be substantiated, or are thought to be a hoax, then people may stop taking them seriously, and that undermines the very reason to kidnap someone and kill someone. Hmpf.

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